Sometimes, people make it their duty to hurt you and pull you down on social media.

They may not be happy that you think independent thoughts or are living the life of their dreams. So they try to bring you down to their level, so they can box you in and control you. They are purveyors of schadenfreude; accusers of the brethren.

You need to develop the capacity to “unlook” certain things on social media because of them. My saving grace is that I rarely see evil barbs directed at me. I have a very fine-tuned aversion to bullshit. Once I read the first line of a comment or mention and sense envy or insult, I unlook. I exit the conversation and allow my kind social media friends to fight the battle on my behalf.

This year, determine to unlook.


Some will never be happy with your independent thoughts or your courage to live the life of your dreams.  Share on X