You are not alone. It’s important that you know this now and today. We may live in a world that’s fast-paced. Everyone may be involved in their own stuff. But I’m taking this moment to stop and see you. I acknowledge your aspirations, struggles, dreams and pains. And I’m sending you a virtual high five or hug. Whatever you need.
As I get older, I increasingly appreciate the value of community. I do not wish to do things alone because I no longer have the strength.
I recently moved into a new apartment and it took a chunk of my time. Time that I do not have enough of. Though I had some help, I found myself waking in the wee hours of the morning to get stuff done. I wondered how people cope without support at all.
No Man is an Island
Many times, we cope alone because we have to. We’ve got no choice and no one is going to save us. That is a lonely place to be. One should always have help. People should never be friendless. And so, you must show up for others, whether they ask you to or not. You will build incredible bonds of friendship and your life will be better off for it.
Showing up means learning to engage more and actively listen. You must become observant, identifying how to be of service. And there are many ways to do this every day. It could be as simple as holding the elevator door open or visiting someone for just 30 minutes. Perhaps it’s a phone call or a cash gift. But it’s best to show up in person if you can make it.
On another note, any time I go through uncomfortable situations alone, I take notes and learn. Experience is a phenomenal tutor. It teaches you empathy because you understand what it takes and what others are going through.
Experience Helps You Learn
Sometimes an instinctive response to trials is to power through and then forget them as quickly as possible. But a few people make up their minds to teach others, so no one else experiences what they did. They become coaches, mentors and friends. They root for others who are dealing with similar circumstances.
Others become innovators in the midst of adversity. Because they take it upon themselves to improve the situation or to develop new products to solve the issues. They are quick to spot the inefficiencies in a process and the areas that could do with more logic.
Innovation is often born when you have a heart for service. When you don’t mind going above and beyond. You will not only create opportunities; you will discover product extensions and make more money.
A lot of times, we leave funds on the table. We’re so concerned about standardization and speed, that we completely miss out on the value of customization and premium services. Yes, there won’t be that many who can pay for premium services. And I agree, you will require more specialized HR to deliver. But the insights you gain from doing something new, are valuable research for the overall business.
Doing more gives you ideas for new business development and growth. It opens up possibilities for collaboration with other companies that can partner to deliver the services. So, you can earn a service fee without even needing to do the work yourself.
Finally, those who use premium services are the best referrers. They will tell others in their network about you which generates more revenue. And, they will be loyal to you, bringing repeat business.
Learn From Your Experiences
This week, think about your uncomfortable experiences and what you can learn from them. How can you become more empathetic towards others who are suffering the same things? And what new product ideas can be inspired by your wilderness experience?
I wish you the best as you learn and grow.
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Many times, we cope alone because we have to. We've got no choice and no one is going to save us. That is a lonely place to be. One should always have help. Share on X