What are you looking for at this stage in life? What really matters to you and what will it take to accomplish it?

Let me tell you a story. One day I was at a beach restaurant in Thailand. My tour group had arrived Bangkok too early to check in at the hotel and so, our driver showed us a bit of the city first and took us to lunch at a local spot.

As I ate, it occurred to me that everything on my plate was made in-country. The fish was caught in the local waters. The veggies and spices were developed in the city and even the disposable cutlery. I saw how having internal manufacturing and innovation capacity can enrich a nation.

Progress Takes Time

My message today is to stop looking for things where you cannot find them because there are certain levels of excellence you cannot find in Nigeria yet.

Infrastructure takes at least 20 years to build. Fixing our manufacturing base will depend on the efficient rollout of our multiple power reforms. We will need the science and research that ought to emerge from vibrant educational institutions. Also, the relevant IP protections of trusted legal and law enforcement systems.

Companies and governments will require well-educated human resources to run enterprises and institutions. Then improving our balance of trade necessitates a complete taking apart and rebuilding of customs and other ancillary agencies. To get all of this started, leadership is critical.

In short, take a very long-term generational view of Nigeria. Keep sowing but you won’t reap now. The Dubai or Singapore you see today took decades. It starts with a well-articulated vision that everyone can sense. You can’t short-circuit the natural evolution of things. That’s why leadership doesn’t emerge in a vacuum. It depends on a whole number of things that isolated individuals cannot control. There’s power in groups. And then, there’s time and chance too.

You Will Get There

Stop trying to control what you cannot. Instead, focus on what you have the means and opportunity to change.

There is so much good in Nigerians. We bring some incredible values to the different countries we find ourselves. An authenticity that comes from a lifetime of dealing with real-world problems. A sense of community and genuine interdependence. A care and concern that can veer into the realm of not minding our business. Robust faith and deep roots. There’s also an unparalleled work ethic. And the capacity for a soft life once we have means.

Hopefully, you will know what to do with today’s message. I wish you the best and I believe you will find what you are looking for.

For more, please read https://www.subomiplumptre.com/pursuit-of-happiness

My message today is to stop looking for things where you cannot find them because there are certain levels of excellence you cannot find in Nigeria yet. Share on X

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