I am not a fast reader. It typically takes me months to finish a serious book so, I prefer articles instead. This year, I decided to make reading one of my priorities because it is a happiness trigger for me. It’s also a major source of wisdom. As I read, new insights are formed and I gain a deeper understanding of related (and sometimes unrelated) topics.
Kindle’s Reading Insights says I now read every week. What changed? I came across an interesting book by Gordon MacDonald called, Ordering Your Private World. It transformed the way I set my priorities.
According to the book, one of the greatest limitations to fulfillment and achievement, is a lack of discipline. But, the discipline referenced in the book isn’t failing to complete daily tasks. Rather, if you list the things that are most important to you in life, discipline is how many of those things you focus on each day. Essentially, because humans have limited time on earth, the most undisciplined people are those who chase activities to the detriment of what’s truly critical.
Nowadays, I have a list of priorities I call: one song, chapter, conversation, episode and mindful moment. I focus on creativity, relationships and peace, for it is from those things that I derive the fuel to accomplish everything else, including work.
You must define your priorities in life and then, identify what is taking you away from them.
[bctt tweet=”If you list the things that are most important to you in life, discipline is how many of those things you prioritize each day.” username=”subomiplumptre”]