If you live in Nigeria, you’ve got to take care of your mind. Your environment will seek to squeeze the humanity & nobility out of you. You turn savage as you fight for existential rights.

Yesterday, I reminded myself to focus on moments of joy. To find stuff that breaks the everyday tedium of fighting against poverty and dream killers.

Little things bring me joy, like sci-fi – the wonder if it; the notion that there’s an entire universe outside Nigeria.

When I watch Star Trek Discovery, I find my alter ego in Commander Michael Burnham – a blend of reason & creativity; Human yet raised Vulcan. Nigerians remind me of the Kelpiens, before their evolution. Constantly afraid. Thinking themselves the prey and not the predator. Many of our politicians are of course the Ferengi – shameless profiteers.

The point is, find moments of joy. Escape into that joy. You will need all of your strength to live well in Nigeria.

If you live in Nigeria, please take care of your mind. Your environment will try to squeeze you. Share on X