I recently wrote an exam that I studied the most for in my history of assessments. I read 450 pages of information 3 times in 3 days.

For context, I was that student whose favorite times in school were lecture-free days. Don’t get me wrong, I like to read. I love learning. But, I hate exams. More often than not, exams are more of a test of cramming than the practical understanding of knowledge.

Anyway, exam day came and I needed to answer 45 questions in 30 minutes. That was when I realized that social media had messed up my life. 

I would read a question three times before understanding it. Suffice to say, nkan bẹẹ. Apparently, social media has trained my mind to read highlights and soundbites. I had to seriously focus to assimilate what was being asked. Thankfully, I adjusted quickly.

The good news is, I passed. And with that victory came something else. I now believe I can scale other exams. There’s one in particular that I registered for 3 years ago, but have not yet taken. (Don’t judge me. Procrastination is me and I am procrastination 🙈🙈). There’s another one whose study materials I paid for in USD. But, when I saw a chapter on Statistics, I ran. Passing this current exam has given me the confidence to try those other ones.

The moral of the story is, you need little wins in life. Those small accomplishments are the building blocks for the bigger ones. They signal that you are capable of so much more. 

For more, please read Responsibility is Killing me.

You need little wins in life. Those small accomplishments are the building blocks for the bigger ones. Share on X

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