I have learnt a few valuable lessons about innovation, some of which you already know. I would like to share a few of them.

1. I once failed SSCE Math. I scored an A the second time around, because I learnt something that has never left me.

If I read and think about something repetitively, I will eventually spot patterns and may even decode it completely. That’s how my light bulb moments are created. I passed Math, because I read it until I got it.

Many people discard ideas too quickly. Keep thinking about your brainwave. Chew on it. Discuss it with your spirit and with God, until illumination comes. As long as someone else in the Universe has solved a similar problem before, it means you can solve it too. You can even be the first, to take a crack at a novel problem. If you ruminate on a problem long enough, the beginning of the answer will come.

2. I read a lot. Sometimes, someone else has the key to a problem I’m trying to solve. Their writings become the catalyst that sparks relevant ideas.

3. Sounding boards are essential to innovation. When I discuss an idea with a friend over lunch, I am asked questions that put my ideas in better perspective. Writing is also a great clarifier. When I sketch out an idea on paper, I see the linkages between different themes. I also gain a helicopter view of the problem and my proposed solution.

4. I have used Excel more in a few months, than I’ve done in my entire life. Running numbers gives me a better insight into the financial viability of my ideas. Running projections, helps me to decide whether it’s worth pursuing an idea.

5. I implement imperfect ideas and I do so quickly. I never wait for an idea to be fully formed before I start using it. Implementation helps me to test the idea in the real world and to refine it on-the-fly. Furthermore, opportunities expire quickly. If you sense a window of opportunity, take it. Don’t be delayed by analysis paralysis.

6. Build a great team. Nothing frustrates a good idea like a slow and an inefficient implementation team. You generate energy for more creativity, when you see your ideas take shape. Surround yourself with people who move fast and are good at what they do.

I hope these tips help you in your innovation process.

I implement imperfect ideas and I do so quickly. I never wait for an idea to be fully formed before I start using it. Share on X If you sense a window of opportunity, take it. Don't be delayed by analysis paralysis. Share on X Nothing frustrates a good idea like a slow and an inefficient implementation team. Share on X