Over the weekend, I read an article by David Hundeyin. It reminded me of why I’ve not been following Nigerian social media news feeds. I lack the capacity to deal with the incessant rain of bad news. It’s too much and if care is not taken, one begins to feel defeated and to believe there’s no discernible way forward.

This feels like every time the country takes one step forward, there’s something around the corner waiting to take us two steps back.

It’s a global malaise really.

When you think about the politics around countries’ COVID 19 responses or the rise of cancel culture and subjective truth; you wonder if the whole world has gone mad. You worry whether the voices of truth, compassion and deliverance have been silenced.

Has righteousness lost the war for the greater good? Is conscienceless capitalism winning? Has celebrity worship overcome family values? These are things that vex my soul. But, when I feel overwhelmed, two scriptures come to mind:

“Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” Romans 5:20 NKJV

“Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 AMP

You see, creating a good society is not a waiting game.

It is an active and engaged responsibility. Nations go bad because of the absence of “salt” – good people who create the critical mass required to preserve those societies.

Remember, it was good people who abolished nationalized slavery and ended the killing of twins. Who fought for civil & female rights. And, who created emigration paths for refugees & professionals.

As long as free will exists, we will have no perfect society. Rather, there will be a perpetual yin-yang of good and evil. Societies will shift to the left and then go right. Democrats will win one season and then Republicans will take over the next time.

The problem is when good people completely abdicate spaces of culture, power and influence; failing to balance society. And this can only have mass impact through policies, institutions and laws.

Advocacy must become law.

The law must create enduring institutions. That’s how a secular state achieves righteousness.

Don’t give up on your vision for a better world. Even if you subscribe to end-of-the-world doctrines, your mandate is to preserve society so many can be saved.

Therefore, don’t despair. Turn your attention to new centers of power. With globalization comes scale beyond individual countries. With social media comes global amplification of voices. And, collaboration begets new networks.

The challenge is what role are you going to play and when will you begin?

Thank you.

PS: I’m building a new type of network that leverages the complementary power of Africans and the Diaspora for good. Want to know more? Please download the information brochure.

For more, please read The Need to Evolve.

Turn your attention to new centers of power. With globalization comes scale beyond individual countries. With social media comes global amplification of voices. And, collaboration begets new networks. Share on X

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