I was at Disneyland California yesterday. I am embarrassed to say my initial impression was one of confusion.

First, Disney’s trip planning tool – Genie – has not yet been activated in California. So, the current app was practically useless to me. I had to plan my time manually, which was especially tedious! I kept thinking if the park had been in Dubai, it would have been 10x more efficient.

You see, America is the home of consumerism. Every commercial enterprise is trying to upsell you something. This was on full display at Disneyland. Dubai also wants your tourism dollars. But, they give you exceptional value and service. It’s like they have a point to prove to the Western world – that they are just as good. On the other hand, America typically adopts a laissez-faire attitude unless they can make more money off you. They have no point to prove.

Going to Disney was my dream as a child. But when I got there, I honestly would have preferred 2 hours at a Jazz bar and then some sleep. The irony was not lost on me. I was living a dream and at the same time, complaining 🙂. I learnt a valuable lesson from this.

You can be grateful for accomplishing your goal while discovering it’s not what you want anymore. Give yourself permission to change your mind.

Another thing happened to me at Disneyland. I spent 40 minutes on a queue for an attraction, only to get to the end and discover it was a rollercoaster ride.

I dislike rollercoasters. Having experienced the fastest one in the world in Abu Dhabi, I swore I would never ride one again. However, after waiting for 40 minutes, I didn’t want to feel like I’d wasted my time, so I hopped on. Not only did I close my eyes throughout, I had an instant headache afterwards. Error.

You see, even if you’ve spent many years pursuing something, if you get there and discover it’s not right for you, have the courage to walk away. Don’t think you’ve invested so much time and effort that you must move ahead. It’s okay to cut your losses.

Now, I have two more days to spend at Disneyland. I think I’ll plan my time tonight and only visit the attractions that appeal to me. I don’t need to do everything, mbok.

For more, please read Life Lessons from The Grand Canyon.

If you've spent many years pursuing something, if you get there and discover it's not right for you, have the courage to walk away. Don't think you've invested so much time and effort that you must move ahead. It's okay to cut your… Share on X

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