Yesterday, I was contemplating life. I thought about how we make plans and then wait for the stars to align before living. We rarely enjoy the fruits of our labor because we learnt to manage while coming up.

Moving from a scarcity to prosperity mindset is difficult. It’s why we keep reserving things for visitors and wait for vacations before resting. We accept less than ideal love; learning to compromise the sacred.

As I was contemplating life, I decided to address the restlessness in my spirit. To do something symbolic.

I discovered I typically sleep on only one side of my bed – it’s a habit I picked up to be near the door. So I chose to sleep in the middle instead, and I used multiple pillows instead of one. Rather than start the day in my study as I typically do, I decided to drink coffee on my balcony as I gazed at a beautiful mango tree. 

There are chairs I’ve never sat on in my home and so I began to sit on them. Rooms I’ve never slept in so I now sleep in them. I also use my best crockery and fully utilize all my spaces.

I made up my mind to pay attention to my emotional and physical needs.

Let me rest when I am tired and switch off my phone when I require quietness. My emotional needs ought to be prioritized.

I will gravitate towards love while moving away from those who drain me. And, I will spend more time with divinity and less time thinking of Nigeria. Accepting my realities and working with what is on ground are key to contentment.

Finally, I will take legacy seriously and give it the deliberation that it demands. So help me God.

For more, read Admit Your Unhappiness

Moving from a scarcity to prosperity mindset is difficult. It's why we keep reserving things for visitors and why we wait for vacations before resting. Share on X

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