Five years ago, I met a man who said he didn’t understand why women were complaining about the world. Why they seemed so bitter. He was quite happy to live in a man’s world. It worked for him.

This year, he complained about the dating scene and how women had changed. I refrained from asking how he was enjoying the world he had contributed to creating, by his unyielding self-centeredness. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that in one generation, his son would also be dating in the same world.

If we all insist on living in our own version of the world; if we bask in privilege and close our eyes and ears to injustice, one day the hunter will become the bush meat.

For more of my random thoughts about life, you should get my new book, UNSCRIPTED.

If we bask in privilege and close our eyes to injustice, one day the hunter will become the bush meat. Share on X