Resist feeling like you don’t have enough faith. That you are somehow unworthy of God’s help or are not doing as much as others, spiritually.

The stories in Matthew 8 are instructive. Perhaps you are like the leper who begs Jesus to help him. Or maybe you are the Centurion who is supremely confident. You might even be Peter’s mum lying in bed sick, yet Jesus heals, unasked. You might be angry and enraged, and Jesus will still deliver you of your demons.

Even when you are scared out of your mind and are being tossed by the waves of life, Jesus shows up!

So don’t let anyone make you feel small or inadequate. Jesus loves you and will help you no matter the level of your faith.

For more, please read I’m a Christian and Enjoy Life.

[bctt tweet=”Don’t let anyone make you feel like you don’t have enough faith. Jesus loves you and will help you no matter what.” username=”subomiplumptre”]