Let me share two principles of money with you:

1. If you don’t plan for money, when it comes, you will waste it.

Money has a way of creating mass confusion, especially when you’re not used to it. Wealth can quickly lead to option paralysis, followed by greed.

While you’re young, develop a list of what you would do with money. Plan ahead. Imagine a large sum of money and make a responsibility pact with yourself on how you would spend it. When the money comes, honour your pact. It’s life’s way of testing your character.

2. You rarely get the money you need. What you get is a seed.

Times without number, I’ve needed a certain amount of money, say, $1,000. But most times, I end up getting like $350. It took me a while to realise that what life was giving me was a seed. Life was testing my creativity, enterprise and skill. Would I take $350 and multiply it, or would I complain about not having enough?

Just like you should develop a list of what you’d spend money on; also create a plan for multiplying wealth. It’s another life test.

Would you multiply what you have or complain about not having enough? Share on X