Let’s talk about the value of contentment. Humans have a deep need to be relevant. They want to be recognized for their contributions and acknowledged for being. Because no one wants to be anonymous or overlooked.

This need to be liked makes us stay in unhealthy relationships, when we should leave. It’s also why we court approval from those who manipulatively withhold emotions from us.

Learn to be Satisfied with Your Achievements

We want public celebration for our knowledge and achievements. It’s not enough to know that 2+2 = 4. We must tweet about it too – broadcasting it far and wide. And we must share it to “pepper dem” or just so we can prove others wrong.

However, here’s the thing. There’s value in contentment. So, the more settled you are on the inside and the more secure you are in love, the less external validation you will seek. You will fill your empty spaces with softness.

You will become quieter and no longer feel the need to argue with others. What you know is what you know and no one can take it away from you. You will stop sharing your plans with the general public and limit intimate news to close friends and strategic partners.

Finally, you will cease comparing yourself with others, because you no longer keep up with them. You can now focus on your own race.

Find Your Contentment

This week, take time to contemplate the essence of contentment and its significance to you. Reflect on the root causes of your restlessness and ponder why you might feel dissatisfied with your accomplishments. Is it because you’re not doing enough or because you believe others are doing more than you?

For more, please read https://www.subomiplumptre.com/contentment

This week, take time to contemplate the essence of contentment and its significance to you. Reflect on the root causes of your restlessness and ponder why you might feel dissatisfied with your accomplishments. Share on X

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