Please take care of your head and heart.

Before the advent of social media and mobile phones, we would receive bad news and negativity in small doses. Perhaps in the daily papers, on network news or in person. Our souls had time to process information and the space to heal.

Now, we receive turmoil and stress almost instantaneously. Our souls are overwhelmed. Our perceptions are being shaped by Twitter and IG without us realising it. We carry the bitterness of the political and gender fights on Twitter with us. We read bad news constantly.

If you subscribe to the Christian faith, you should consume the word of God as much as you can. It’s an antidote. It’s a buffer. It cleanses and restores. Talk to people who love you. Call family. They will remind you of joy, happiness and peace. Take a break from social media once in a while. Rest your mind.

Remember that you are greatly loved. You matter. You are special. The world may not know it yet, but God has purposed you for wonderful things. You may not change the world but you can change “your” world. Your efforts count. Do not be discouraged.

Talk to people who love you. Call family. They will remind you of joy, happiness and peace. Share on X Take a break from social media once in a while. Rest your mind. Share on X You are loved. You matter. You are special. The world may not know it yet, but God has purposed you for wonderful things. Share on X Your efforts count. Do not be discouraged. Share on X