It is difficult to know you were rejected not because of any wrong you did, but because of your values. Sometimes, you stand for what is right but life still gives you the middle finger, metaphorically speaking.
Nonetheless, I’ve reached a point where I’ve stopped apologizing for my values. I find that people with different norms never take my permission before they express themselves. They confidently evangelize their world views and opinions. So, it’s only fair for me to do the same.
So lately, here’s how I’ve been navigating the world.
When I meet people, my first posture is respect. Respect for humanity and free will. No matter my beliefs, it is not my place to look down on anyone or to patronize them. There’s such a thing as sanctity of choice. But, I actively seek to understand and then I engage openly. I listen to opinions and then I share mine boldly. However, the delivery of information is as important as the content itself. How you say a thing may determine if people listen or become defensive.
I also remind myself that if I don’t care about people, then it is not my place to get into their business. Unless I am coming from a place of love and compassion, then I have no locus standi with strangers.
Finally, the older I get, the more I realize that a lot of arguments are just useless. They neither make you happier nor do they make you more money. Instead, they create rancor and expend energy. You will always gain more by listening than by vituperation.
In life, learn to keep your head down. Keep building. When you demonstrate results, your success will create a stage for you. People will pay attention to your ideas and opinions. Show working first.
For more, please read Unlook.
[bctt tweet=”In life, learn to keep your head down. Keep building. When you demonstrate results, your success will create a stage for you. People will pay attention to your ideas and opinions. Show working first.” username=”@subomiplumptre”]