Since a former government official has alleged the presence of demonic powers in the seat of power, I would like to share some thoughts. I would like to talk about grace.
Many Christians are gainfully employed. They run businesses or work in companies. Maybe they devote an hour or two a week to focused prayer. Meanwhile, those who go about Satan’s business do little else. Their waking thought is evil, their afternoons are spent consulting with Shamans while their evenings are dedicated to destruction. You cannot out-pray them. They fast as well, because they understand the power that can be generated through fasting. And, they sow. While you give money, they give the lives of their children and the blood of others.
Without a reliance on enduring grace, an average Christian would try to match their works with those of the children of perdition. They would fail. They would leave the warm arms of the Most High to willfully enter the cold realm of spiritual forces. Some may lose their way as they invoke elemental spirits and amoral faith, thinking they are doing God’s work. (That is why people die when some Christians pray for them to die, for it is not everything that is supernatural that is scriptural. It is not every spiritual realm a Christian enters that they were asked to enter.)
Do you want to know how a relationship with God and a dependence on grace work in spiritual warfare? Here’s a clue – Gifts like the Word of Knowledge or Wisdom cease to be things you only experience in church. God starts to have daily conversations with you. He points out those who are plotting evil and gives you strategies to deal with them. He tells you where that “troubling sensation” is coming from. He says when to fast and how long the duration should be. When you pray in the Spirit, you feel the Holy Spirit praying through you. (When people boast that they pray for 3 hours at a stretch, what they don’t say is that when the Holy Spirit prays through them, it doesn’t FEEL like 3 hours.)
The thing is, you may choose to fight evil with works or you may choose to deploy grace instead. It’s really up to you.
Grace reminds us that God neither sleeps nor slumbers. While we sleep, someone else is actively fighting on our behalf. Grace tells us we are seated with Christ in heavenly places. It says our lives are hidden with Christ in God. It assures us that although the Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, we have abundant life. Now, isn’t that something?