I don’t know my math times tables. I never learnt them in Primary School, when I was supposed to. What this means is, whenever I have to multiply 9 by 6; I add 9 to 9 multiplied by 5 manually, because 9 multiplied by 5 is the largest multiplication formula I know off-head. Which begs the question, “How did I score an A in O’Level Math?”
I have a natural talent for pattern recognition. If I study something long enough, I spot patterns and will be able to replicate what I see. But I won’t necessarily understand what I’m seeing or be able to apply it.
I wonder how many professionals are like me in Nigeria. Doctors who never understood Biology or Engineers who never learnt Calculus.
We neglect foundations in Nigeria. We are running a nation with minimal infrastructure, values and citizenship. It’s not a question of if the system will break down. It has already broken down. It’s just too big to fail immediately.
We are running a nation with minimal infrastructure, values and citizenship. Share on X