I write a lot in church. I tend not to waste the inspiration of the Holy Ghost immediately after worship. I also have a short attention span so it helps to write while the sermon is going on. It keeps me still. Sometimes I share the thoughts and convictions that come through those writings.

The other day, I considered that church is supposed to equip saints to do the work of the ministry in the world. It is not designed to be a cloistered cult of regimental drones devoid of independent thought. Rather, it is a vibrant ecosystem of diverse backgrounds and mindsets that willingly submits to the sovereignty of a single ideology – the Word.

As we spend more time in the world than in church, our actions in the world matter more. So, I’ve never understood the parallel universe some Christians try to create in church. It is why some do not have lives and are ill-equipped to function outside of the hallowed walls of worship.

I strongly commend churches that focus on facilitating organic friendships and providing wisdom for members to operate well in the world. Those that do not impede family and social life by fixing special programmes on public holidays and even on Valentine’s Day.

The Pastor’s daily job is inextricably linked to church. Members have callings outside of church. I think if churches had a robust pipeline of leaders, thinks may take on a different hue. The burden of service will cease to be on a few. A church that has the same “stars” in the choir year in, year out may need to enhance its leadership development skills. A church that has the same primary donors year in, year out may need to revisit its wealth multiplication doctrine. A church that plays host to more new saints than sinners may need to increase its hospitality and evangelism outreaches. But this is just my opinion. Ultimately, God’s calling is what matters, not opinions.

The church is supposed to equip saints to do the work of the ministry in the world. It is not designed to be a cloistered cult of regimental drones devoid of independent thought. Share on X