Dear Father, please help us to value love. May we cherish it like a most precious thing. Expand hearts and renew minds to receive the capacity to preserve love.

Give us the wisdom to defend love – from friends, family, convention and harmful ideologies. May we not be careless or treat that which is valuable as profane. May little foxes not spoil love’s fruitful vine.

God, bless our homes. When we go to war, may we return to havens of peace and love. May we return to healing and incredible joy. May home be a place of creative delight and wonderful surprise.

For those who are yet to experience the divine touch of love, please be kind and generous to them. May they receive and give love. May they experience its beauty and purity in no small measure. May they be excited by love.

I pray all of this and more, dear Father. Amen and amen.