I’ve been struggling with my routines. There was a period I was working hard and then traveling, so my habits were out of sync. My body was so tired, the thought of doing more was unappealing. However, I’ve found that by simplifying and eliminating items, I can better manage and accomplish the more complex aspects of my life.

Whenever I’m busy, there are some non-negotiables that stay constant – checking in on friends, prayer and walks. Then there are the things that are sacrificed – sleep, exercise and fun.

I’ve been planning to go to the movies but I haven’t; itching to go out for a meal but it hasn’t happened. So today, I pampered myself by ordering Lebanese. It’s on its way, courtesy of Grubhub.

I also exercised by trying something simple. Instead of being put off by my full set – treadmill, dumbells and crunches – I did an hour on the treadmill alone. Eliminating items helped me to achieve one. Mentally, the chore seemed lighter and the task quicker.

Are you struggling with prepping for an exam for instance? Every day, read one chapter instead of two. To accommodate the slower pace, extend the date for writing the exam by a month or two. I’ve done this before. When you’re weary and inundated with responsibilities, you ought to give yourself a break. You don’t need to do everything at once and it’s okay to pace yourself. Poco a poco. Little by little.

For more, please read Doing Meaningful Work

Eliminating Items to Accomplish Hard Things. Share on X

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