I’ve decided to do a blog series about my journey of discovery with God.
About 15 years after I first got to know him, I’d had enough of 2nd hand Christianity. You know the kind where God is referred to in reported speech or patiently explained to you by third parties. I no longer wanted to know the God in church, books or choruses. I needed to know him for myself, talk to him, ask him questions, relate with him. I wanted to be the author of those books and choruses – telling my own experiential stories of what God had done and who he was.
You see, I became bored with the routine church going (though I was still enamoured by the Word). Perhaps because I never really knew why we went to church in the first place or why it had the structure it did. (I knew the scripted reason, but didn’t really ‘get’ it. And anyway, school church was so much more fun and real.)
So began my journey of discovery. I would soon realise that my deepest epiphanies would occur during periods of great crisis.
This blog series will seek to share those personal insights. In some places, the actors will be referred to obliquely (as I’m not sure they’d like their names in the social media space).
Kindly follow me as I share. This is My Story. This is My Song…
(Follow me @subomiplumptre or join the conversation at #MakingGodFamous, #ShoSpeaks)
Eagerly waiting