I was conflicted about Christianity for a long time. It seemed heavy on works and light on joy. And, as a naturally lazy person, I tend to work hard or stick to things only when I’m interested or believe in them.

So, something seemed off-putting about the potential rigour of walking with God. But, I was attracted to the prospect of joy, peace and relationship. Soul-sucking religion held little appeal, in view of the hardness that already exists in daily life.

Coming to Terms With Christianity

The way I’ve come to terms with faith is to view it as two paths that overlap – Mission and Relationship.

The Mission Field

Mission seems to be of an ambassadorial nature. A higher power commissions you, and the rules of engagement are strict.

Everything is for the benefit of the motherland. Thus, the concept of “self” doesn’t exist and the relationship dynamic is, “Less of me and more of God.”

However, just as in the Foreign Service, personalities and individual talents are considered when appointments are handed out.

Joyous Relationship

On the flip side, a relationship is more intimate. For it is there that happiness and joy dwell. In a relationship, you bring your full self to the table and never shrink for a moment.

I believe that’s what Jesus had in mind when he introduced concepts like Fatherhood, Friendship, and Brotherhood to the Christian lexicon. Because in relationships, you express your vulnerabilities, your personality, and your opinions.

While there’s mutual respect and sacrifice, there doesn’t appear to be “Less of me and more of you” at play.

I believe this makes a relationship with God customizable. No topic is inane or off-limits. From politics to career to sex; everything is fair game. You can even discuss the time of the day to pray and how.

Perhaps the main guardrail of a relationship is this – not taking the other for granted and prioritizing time with them.

In a relationship with God, if you keep showing up, listening and asking for help, you’ll be alright.

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