I’ve been working from our US office for a few months now. My co-founder and I have also been recruiting for our Africa-focused global fund. We now have team members from Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Zambia. Building such a diverse team from a new location has made me contemplative.
All Things are Possible
Many of the things Africans think are impossible stop being so, outside our borders. We brace ourselves for difficulty and approach government offices prepared to wait for hours or to genuflect to strangers. We expect to be oppressed and frustrated.
Because of the constant hardship, the average African is not conditioned for a world where things work and where processes are transparent. Our auto-response is struggle and so, we question how easy things appear elsewhere. We hold our breath and double-check everything because trust was never common in our world. And when people do things from a place of honour, sacrifice and hard work, it fills our hearts with wonder.
That is why once we work abroad, our minds become dizzy with potential. Because we are used to giving 100% and getting only 20% back, we are overwhelmed to receive exponentially more, instead.
Don’t let the Noise Distract You
I recently read on Twitter that Nigeria’s lawmakers are allegedly considering withholding new medical licenses for 5 years, to stem the brain drain of doctors. This made me feel some type of way and brought to mind the biblical scripture about the Pharisees – not only do they not enter heaven, but they also prevent those who are trying to do so.
I also read about the alleged arrest of some visiting religious leaders by unnamed government agents. Apparently, it is still dangerous to share certain opinions in Africa.
Today, I have a simple word of encouragement for everyone who is struggling in Africa. To change things, you need power and influence. But to get leverage, you must succeed. Focus on achieving your potential and do not let the polity distract you. Survive and thrive. You deserve the best.
The world is changing. The skills, talents and values that you developed in tears are now relevant. You will surely reap with joy. Do not hold back. Focus on what is in your heart. Everything will work out.
Best wishes.
For more, please read https://www.subomiplumptre.com/inertia-kills-dreams
[bctt tweet=”Today, I have a simple word of encouragement for everyone who is struggling in Africa. To change things, you need power and influence. But to get leverage, you must succeed.” username=”subomiplumptre”]
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